GENGAR (#094) / GIGI

Gengar is very mischievous, and at times, malicious. It enjoys playing practical jokes and casting curses, such as pretending to be one's shadow, then behaving erratically. When the quarry notices, the Gengar takes delight in its victim's terror. However, Gengar has been known to be loyal to a trainer who treats it well.

Name: Gengar
Nickname(s): Gigi, Celeste
Level: 95
Abilities: Levitate & Cursed body
Likes: Sweets, masochists, large rears, and scaring trainers.
Item: GengariteMovesetShadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Phantom Force, Dazzling Gleam(Alternative moves for non-canon and lewd RP posts)Lick
Shadow Claw
Mean look
Destiny Bond
Dazzling Gleam
Phantom Force
Sucker Punch
Dark Pulse
PersonalityShe often does and says what she likes, and can be quite charming in a sense. When she's not talking, however, is when you should worry for your own safety. She usually plays tricks others and is sometimes up to no good.Gigi use to have a few screws loose and could be dangerous in that regard, but treat her right and she can be just as caring towards those she feels close to.Natural AbilitiesGengar has the ability to hide perfectly in the shadow of any object, granting it exceptional stealth. However, Gengar's body acts as a heat sink. Its presence cools the temperature of the surrounding area by nearly 10°F (5°C), because it absorbs the warmth. The anime has shown that Gengar can fly and possess people and other Pokémon.In the past, Night Shade was its signature move.

Lovely encounters

Big WIP for this section and the pictures above.Last updated: 2020

~ Hilda ~

This curvaceous trainer had been quite persistent when it came to Gengar. The ghost-type would was always rigorously using her own version of 'pound' on the trainer every time she was disturbed, causing her to be the one to faint during each encounter. After awhile, however, Gengar had gotten use to her visits and temptations, even allowing the nickname given by Hilda to grow on her a bit.Gigi showed less aggression as time went on, no longer attempting to scare the trainer as much or leave her a cum-covered mess on the floor. The day had finally come where she had finally offered her the chance to catch her. Accompanying her didn't sound too bad after all, and she could tell just how much Hilda cared for her.

Mega Gengar


Mega Evolution has made it possible for Gengar to access other dimensions. Its entire body brims with a strange power.This had achieved by developing a bond with her trainer over the past two months (in 2021). Gigi has been less mentally stable in this form, and is more aggressive. The reason behind this is due to maliciousness and her sense of relationships becoming warped.She sometimes desires to take and curse the life of anyone or anything in her path; she may even attempt to curse her own Trainer at times.


Dimensional Sight

This new unblinking third eye is oval, yellow, and allows it to see into other dimensions.(Credit to official Wiki)


Phasing through objects and people can no longer be done through normal means, which is the result of all this. With her body now radiating a certain power, it allows her to travel through dimensions. She will only become intangible by shifting her body (or parts) into a parallel dimension in instances.TLDR - (The Picture Below) Something like that Naruto character for example. Obito.

(I figured being a Gijinka makes things a little bit different from the norm, and ended up wanting to make the power emanating from Mega Gengar's body work more like this instead. It makes sense considering this is the new information on regular Gengar, which kind of makes it pointless:"Gengar, the Shadow Pokémon. A Ghost and Poison type. Gengar can pass through dimensions and appear almost anywhere. Since Gengar absorbs any warmth around it, the temperature suddenly drops wherever it appears." - Wiki)